We are so excited that you are taking the step to grow and be discipled. Jesus poured His life into those in close relationship with Him. We want to model His life. He invited people into close relationship with Him and was willing to have challenging conversations that lead to spiritual growth.
As God changes your life, we want to encourage you to join us in Jesus' last challenge to make disciples of all nations.
We are praying for you as you grow.
The belief of salvation by grace is the core of our Christian faith by proclaiming God’s victory over sin in our lives. From the first man and women, our disobedience results in spiritual death, which separates us from God. Nothing we’ve done or could do can bridge that separation. Man’s only hope of redemption is through God’s grace. This grace brings deliverance, healing and a restored life through Jesus. Whether a new believer or a mature Christian, every believer is dependent on God’s free gift of grace.
Key Terms
To repent means to change one’s mind and heart completely. Usually, we use the word to mean to change one’s mind and heart completely about sin.
When we have done things that are wrong, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that we have sinned. Also can be used to refer to strong beliefs on which we base our lives.
Justification is the act of all our sins being forgiven and cleansed away from us forever. The words “righteous” and “justified” come from the same Greek word.
Sin separates us from God. This refers to us “missing the mark” or our state as human beings. But we cannot "fix" our sin problem by just trying really hard to be good. That's why our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross--to pay the death penalty for our sins in our place.
Salvation // Saved
Salvation is a gift from God. The Bible teaches that none of us is good enough to earn salvation. We must accept it as a gift from God. God freely gives this wonderful gift to all who will accept it on His terms. We receive salvation when we admit to God that we have sinned and are truly sorry for our sins and when we receive, by faith, the Lord Jesus Christ into our lives as our personal Lord and Savior. We simply trust Him to forgive us our sins and to give us the gift of eternal life.
Online Video
Luke 15:11-32
Right Now Media Online video
Discussion Questions
What does God’s grace mean to you? It might help to spend a couple minutes writing it out and then share a few things.
Do you feel it’s easy or difficult to accept God’s free grace? Why do you think?
Read the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15:11-32.
Why do you think Jesus told this story? Which son in the story do you relate to the most?
Is there any part of this spiritual belief you need to sort through more? This may be journaling, talking with your spouse/parent, counseling, praying, silence, etc.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and has authority over what we say and do. The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired by God and are the revelation of God to man, it tells us the story of God's plan of salvation. The Scriptures define the believer’s worldview, morality, and ethics. Moreover, the Scriptures are not simply one authority among others; they are the final authority.
Key Terms
The Gospel is the good news of what Jesus did to redeem his people (his birth, life, death, and resurrection). It is good news because we are unable to save ourselves. “The Gospels” refers to the books of the Bible where Jesus’ life is recorded - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Often used with the word “inerrant.” It means that since the Bible is God’s Word, it cannot fail or mislead in any way. It is perfect.
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. So, there have been many translations making the Scripture accessible to different languages and the adaptation of those languages. Some are “word for word” translations (KJV, ESV), some being “thought for thought” (NIV, NLT) and others “phrase for phrase” (The Message, Passion Translation).
The belief that God caused His Word, the Bible, to be written perfectly and without any errors at all. Because of this, we take every part of Scripture as truth and instruction.
Old / New Testament
The first part of the Bible that is Hebrew Scriptures. In the New Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures are simply called "the scriptures" or "the holy scriptures".
The NT contains the Gospels, the Epistles and the book of Revelation. Together with the Old Testament makes the whole Bible.
Discussion Questions
What has your knowledge and understanding of the Bible been like? (heard verses all growing up, recognize the main stories, etc)
What are specific stories or passages that stick out to you?
Have you ever felt like the God of the Old Testament is different than the God of the New Testament? (a good resource is this Bible Project podcast)
What does it look like to engage with Scripture more?
Is there any part of this spiritual belief you need to sort through more? This may be journaling, talking with your spouse/parent, counseling, praying, silence, etc.
We believe that the God of the Bible is the one true God, demonstrated in 3 persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The one true God has revealed Himself as "I AM," the Creator of heaven and earth and the Redeemer of mankind. There is no other god, “truth” or way.
Key Terms
The Bible teaches that God reveals Himself as One God who exists as three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. The word “Trinity” combines the prefix “tri-“ (meaning “three” as in tricycle, triangle, or tripod) with the word “unity” meaning one.
Means that God can be everywhere at the same time. Only God is omnipresent. (It is important to remember that “omni- presence” is not the same as a pagan belief called “pantheism.”
The belief in one God - Christians, Jews and Muslims are monotheistic.
Means that God knows everything there is to know. He has all knowledge and there is nothing hidden from Him.
Means “all powerful.” It is a word that describes God alone. He has perfect and total power in the entire universe. He has the power to do anything He chooses to do.
Online Video
Bible Reading Plan
Isaiah 40:9-31
Online Article
Discussion Questions
When has there been a time in your life you’ve seen God be the same yesterday, today and forever?
Is it difficult to wrestle with God being the only God and way to salvation?
Is there a specific name of God that’s encouraging in this season? (article with list of God’s names)
Is there any part of this spiritual belief you need to sort through more? This may be journaling, talking with your spouse/parent, counseling, praying, silence, etc.
When Jesus left earth, He promised that we’d not be alone. The Holy Spirit came to live inside us to lead, empower and point to Jesus. Being Spirit- filled means being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, displaying the fruits of the Spirit, and a submission to God. All believers in Jesus Christ have God's Spirit living within them, or dwelling within them; but not all believers live filled or controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Key Terms
The festival when the disciples received the Holy Spirit. Often thought of as the birth of the Church.
Speaking in Tongues
The New Testament mentions both speaking and praying in tongues. When the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost, the believers spoke in tongues. This gift is a “heavenly language” to intercede for others and encourage people.
Walking in the Spirit
We are living our lives in a way that shows we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. When we are filled by the Spirit, we see an attitude of joy and thanksgiving as well as a posture of humility toward God and of submission to one another.
Spiritual Warfare
Christians have an enemy--Satan. In His Word, God has given us weapons which He commands us to use for that purpose.
Indwelling of the Spirit
When we receive Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God comes to live inside us or dwell inside us.
Truth that men cannot figure out on their own, but which must be given to them by God, is called “revelation.” The whole Bible is the revelation of God and God’s truth to men.
Prompting of the Spirit
When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live in our lives to give us wisdom and direction. He speaks to us by giving us thoughts to do the right thing. His promptings will never contradict or disagree with God's Word.
Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit
Online Article
Bible Reading Plan
Francis Chan “Who is the Holy Spirit”
Right Now Media Video
The Book of Acts
Discussion Questions
How essential is the Holy Spirit for Christian living?
How have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s activity in your life, even if you didn’t know at the time that it was him?
Do you see the Holy Spirit as God - an equal part of the trinity? Do you speak to Him and hear from Him on a regular basis?
How can you experience more of God through His Holy Spirit?
Is there any part of this spiritual belief you need to sort through more? This may be journaling, talking with your spouse/parent, counseling, praying, silence, etc.
When we accept Jesus as our Savior, our identity and position in life changes. Our identity is no longer found in our status or the words of others, but by Jesus Himself. God intends for all people to find their identity in Him and be adopted into His family. As part of this family, we are free from shame, chosen to carry God’s love to this world and live in the confidence of being His son or daughter.
Key Terms
Coheirs with Christ
Jesus, the only Son of God, is the natural “heir” of the Father. Being a co-heir with Christ means that we, as God’s adopted children, will share in the inheritance of Jesus. All that belongs to Jesus Christ will belong to us, the co-heirs, as well. Christ gives us His glory (John 17:22), His riches (2 Corinthians 8:9), and all things (Hebrews 1:2).
Armor of God
The armor of God is a metaphor in the Bible (Ephesians 6:10-18) that reminds Christians about the reality of spiritual battle and describes the protection and confidence available to them.
Adopted in Christ
We have been adopted or “grafted” into the family of God. It wasn’t out right or anything that we did, but God in His grace called us his rightful children.
Online Article
Bible Reading Plan
Ephesians 1:3-14
Message on Right Now Media
Online Article
Discussion Questions
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of church? - What were your first experiences of attending church? When did you first feel part of The Church.
How is God’s view of The Church different than our cultures view of the church?
How can we be devoted to the things of God and also be effective in other areas (e.g. work, home etc.) of our life?
Do you think God has a purpose for you being part of the local church?
Is there any part of this spiritual belief you need to sort through more? This may be journaling, talking with your spouse/parent, counseling, praying, silence, etc.
We believe that the Church is not a building; it is a group of people God is using to bring about His plan of redemption in the world. As the local church, we worship and learn together, we encourage and support each other and we bring The Gospel to our commu- nity. We use what God has given us in resources and talents to build the Kingdom of God.
Key Terms
Communion is a name for the “Lord’s Supper.” The word “communion” emphasizes the fellowship we have with Jesus because of His sacrifice on the cross.
Begin submerged into water as a sign to others you’ve been made new and living a new life in Christ.
Kingdom of God
Also called the Kingdom Of Heaven is the spiritual realm over which God reigns as King and also applies to the fulfillment of God’s will
Bride of Christ
The Bride is another term for The Church. This symbolism is used throughout the New Testament to show how Jesus loves and cares for The Church while The Church is waiting for her groom.
Brothers / Sisters
The “brothers” and “sisters” are those who are a part of the church of Christ.
Christians who believe the Bible is God’s Word and who believe that the Gospel of Jesus should be shared with others.
Body of Christ
The body of Christ is made up of every person who has given their life to Jesus. They work in the ministry that He leads, which differs from person to person, for the edification and unity of The Church.
Right Now Media Video
“The Church Has Left the Building”
Bible Reading Plan
“Why the Church is Vital to Every Christian”
Online Article
How the Body of Christ should work
1 Corinthians 12
Discussion Questions
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of church? - What were your first experiences of attending church? When did you first feel part of The Church.
How is God’s view of The Church different than our cultures view of the church?
How can we be devoted to the things of God and also be effective in other areas (e.g. work, home etc.) of our life?
Do you think God has a purpose for you being part of the local church?
Is there any part of this spiritual belief you need to sort through more? This may be journaling, talking with your spouse/parent, counseling, praying, silence, etc.